There is always a possibility that the one need to alter the plan due to some undeniable circumstances and understand this. Considering the stated fact, our travel experts have designed the cancellation and refund policy in a manner that the travel can cancel their ticket and get the refund in a hassle-free way. All the users of this website are recommended to read the cancellation and refund policy before making any purchase from our website so that they will not face any issue in case they need to cancel any booking. We have provided all the details regarding the cancellation and refund in the following section. However, if any of the mentioned policy is not clear to you, just contact our customer care team at any point of time to clarify the same. Moreover, if you are not in agreement with any of the points mentioned in the cancellation and refund policy, the you should stop using the website or at least do not purchase any service from our website.
Our team of experts has made a liberal cancellation policy so that none of the user faces any issue while canceling their tickets. However, there are many factors involved in the making of cancellation policy, including the cancellation policy of the airline with whom the ticket has been booked. It is recommended to read the cancellation and refund policy of the airline too, before booking the tickets. Go through the below mentioned points to get the details of our cancellation policy.
We believe in transparency in business and value the money involved. That is why we have come up with the refund policy that will cost you the minimum to almost zero charge if you cancel the flight tickets after booking it from our website. However, the point to consider is that we are dependent on the airline for the refund and we cannot make the refund only as per our refund policy. It is also important for you to know that the airlines are free to charge as per their policy and we will have to agree with the airline’s decision in case of refund amount. Although we have mentioned the complete details of our refund policy for your reference, it is recommended to read the refund policy of the airlines whose flight you are booking from our website.
Disclaimer : We are the resellers of Travel Products & services i.e. hotels, train journeys, vacation packages & attractions. We are a travel company associated with travel consolidators and 3rd party travel suppliers. We are neither directly nor indirectly associated with any airlines, trains & hotels. All prices quoted through us include all taxes and fees. The train search engine used is a third-party tool used for just collecting the information, we are directly not associated with any brand company or service provider.
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